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The results of our dedication and tender care speak for themselves. Each year our wines are acknowledged internationally at various wine competitions, such as the International Wine Challenge, International Wine and Spirits Competition, Decanter World Wine Award and Mundus Vini, to name a few.

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Competition Year
Wine Name Vintage Competition Comp.Year Country Awards
Marani Mukuzani 2004 Concurs Mondial de Bruxells 2007 Netherlands Silver
Marani Mukuzani 2004 Decanter World Wine Awards 2007 UK Bronze
Marani Napareuli 2004 Concurs Mondial de Bruxells 2007 Netherlands Silver
Marani Mtsvane 2006 Decanter World Wine Awards 2007 UK Bronze
Marani Kindzmarauli 2004 Cradle of Wine - National Competition of Georgian Wines 2006 Georgia Silver
Marani Mtsvane 2005 Grand Prix magazyn 2006 Poland Krakow, 2006 Gold
Marani Tsinandali 2004 Cradle of Wine - National Competition of Georgian Wines 2006 Georgia Silver
Marani Napareuli 2003 SDIWC 2005 San Diego, USA Bronze
Marani Tsinandali 2004 International Wine Challenge 2005 UK Bronze
Marani Saperavi 2000 International Wine Challenge 2002 UK Bronze

Our Wines
